February 2023 Update

February 12, 2023

It's been an exciting year so far, and definitely a busy one!

In January, my paper on multi-robot coverage control for spatial resource allocation was accepted for publication in the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)! I'll be traveling to London in late May to present my work in person. More details on this work can be found here, and I'll be posting the preprint soon.

I also presented this work at this year's CISE Graduate Student Workshop, in which 18 PhD students from across BU's Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE) presented their research. I am humbled to have won the Best Presentation Award by popular vote! It truly was a fun workshop, and it was great to see such amazing research being done within the CISE community. More on this year's CGSW can be found here. I'll be posting a video presentation on my YouTube next month.

Presenting at CGSW 9.0

CGSW 9.0 Presenters

I am now working on two main projects: an extension of my teleoperation work in collaboration with Roberto Tron's group in the Robotics Lab, and an extension of my work on multi-robot coverage and resource allocation. I'm very excited about both of these projects, and will be submitting them to IEEE's 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). More details to come!